Jeff Teaford
Hello and thanks for checking out my stuff.
My name is Jeff Teaford and
thanks to my terrific friend Waldo, I have decided that making a dream
come true is as easy as simply MAKING it come true.
I've always wanted to be involved in drag racing and land speed as long as I
can remember, but never knew how to go about it. About two years ago it occurred
to me- Do what you did when you were six years old. Draw what you love. I've
always drawn in one capacity or another, and always for everyone else.
So here's what it looks like when Teaford draws for Teaford. Quite a bit of
what you see, is available as an original and even more is available as an 81/1
X 11" high quality digitally scanned print. Typically, I draw on an 11X
14 inch super high quality white art stock. My medium of choice is colored pencil,
with a little paint and ink where needed.
Most of you will no doubt recognize many of the cars displayed.
If you have comments or questions about anything you've seen or would like to
see, please feel free to contact me.
Stay groovy- and as my old buddy Waldo would say... "Take it light man."
Jeff "Teaf" Teaford
(970)379-9414 or e-mail:Jeff